A corner stone of CHEMPRO’s activities is its innovative and versatile injection system which has a host of applications to solve a variety of structural degradation problems as crack injection, soil stabilization and faCade rebonding using different types of resins as epoxy, acrylic and polyurethane.
CHEMPRO has the flexibility to undertake anything from short duration contracts to large multi-disciplined projects.
CHEMPRO designs the different soil stabilization systems, so as to increase the bearing capacity of sandy ground when medium or high strength is required and also to fill large voids such as rock fissures, crushed faults and gravel layers.
The range of services offered by CHEMPRO is second to none.
Our Projects

One of the projects to strengthen the foundations of foundations and buildings

The injection project in swimming pool Olympic Center in Alexandria

Project of injection works for water tank in Alexandria Petroleum Company.